Field Notes 2021: CMarie Fuhrman

Explore Bloedel Reserve through the art, writings, and uniques perspectives of the Creative Residents during the time they are visiting the grounds. These entries give you a peek at works-in-progress, sources of inspiration, approaches to craft, exploration of new techniques, and more.

April 2021

April is National Poetry Month. So it was particularly appropriate to welcome writer, teacher, and poet CMarie Fuhrman to Bloedel Reserve as April’s Creative Resident. CMarie had been initially scheduled to be in residence at the Reserve in 2020. But the COVID pandemic made her visit impossible. Happily, this spring she was able to complete her Creative Residency.

During her residency, she also partnered with BARN (Bainbridge Artistan Resource Network) to offer a well-attended Zoom workshop on writing the persona poem. CMarie offered participants insight, inspiration, and encouragement to explore the concept of persona. And her hands-on writing exercises included visual prompts — photos taken around the Reserve.

We asked if we could share one of her nature-inspired poems for Poetry Month. You can read (and download) her poem From 45 Walks in Bloedel here.

You’ll find more information about CMarie Fuhrman, her books, articles, interviews, podcasts, and other projects here.


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