Field Notes 2021: Catherine Alice Michaelis
Explore Bloedel Reserve through the art, writings, and uniques perspectives of the Creative Residents during the time they are visiting the grounds. These entries give you a peek at works-in-progress, sources of inspiration, approaches to craft, exploration of new techniques, and more.
May 2021
In May, Catherine Alice Michaelis came for her Creative Residency at Bloedel Reserve. A printer, illustrator, and creator of artist books, Catherine Alice was originally slated to come to the Reserve in 2020. But the COVID pandemic delayed her visit. So we are especially pleased she was able to come this year instead. You can read more about Catherine Alice and May Day Press (the press she founded) here.
She has been experimenting with inking tree rounds for printing. You can see some of that process below. Catherine Alice says:
Not necessarily a “morning person,” nevertheless Catherine Alice has been enjoying the solitude of the Reserve in the early morning hours. She shares these images and thoughts from a recent sunrise sojourn.
Parting Thoughts on Transformation
It is very sad to be at the end of my time. I am so happy it was a full three weeks, as this last week has allowed my ideas to break open into new territory. I know it is the push through technique and experimentation, but also the ravens, frogs, coyotes, sunsets and sunrise, the Japanese garden, the moss garden, and the bench overlooking the water all speaking around me, inviting me into this world. It’s been transformative to my practice, for sure.
Stay up to date on all of the events and activities taking place at Bloedel Reserve.