December 2020 — Cyclamen

Common Name:  Cyclamen

Latin Name:   Cyclamen sp.

Family:  Primulaceae

Type:  Perennial bulb

Origin:   Europe

Location at Bloedel Reserve:   Rhodedendron Glen

Garden Uses:  Seasonal interest, great for containers

Fun Fact:  The “sp” in the botanical (Latin) name this month means that we are including all species of cyclamen for December’s plant pick.  Here at Bloedel Reserve we have several species of cyclamen including cuom, hederifolium, and purpurascens. Each has slightly different characteristics. C. cuom has the roundest leaves of the bunch and tends to be slower growing.  C. hederifolium has angular leaves with more distinct points.  C. purpurascens is slightly fragrant, with rounded, heart-shaped leaves. See if you can spot the different species around the Rhododendron Glen. It’s not as easy as you might think!