
Hydrangea — September 2020 Plant of the Month

September 2020 —
Rough-Leaved Hydrangea

Common Name: Rough-Leaved Hydrangea, Kawakamii Group

Latin Name: Hydrangea aspera ‘Kawakamii’

Family: Hydrangeaceae

Type: Deciduous shrub

Origin: China and Taiwan

Location at Bloedel Reserve: Birch Garden

Garden Uses: Shade garden

Hydrangea DrawingFun Fact: With summer coming to an end, it may seem like nothing is of interest in Pacific Northwest gardens this time of year. That is until you stumble across this monster of a hydrangea in our Birch Garden! If any blooms are low enough, you may see dozens of bees rolling around amongst the purple stamens. This shrub is one of about a dozen different species of hydrangea we have here at Bloedel Reserve, all of which are uniquely and equally beautiful.