Nymans Eucryphia at Bloedel Reserve

August 2020 — Nymans Eucryphia

Common Name:  Nymans Eucryphia

Latin Name:  Eucryphia x nymansensis

Family:  Cunoniaceae

Type:  Flowering Specimen Tree

Origin:  Chile

Location at Bloedel Reserve:  Residence

Garden Uses:  Pollinators love this!

Fun Fact:  This variety of eucryphia gets its name from the Nymans Garden in Sussex, England where its seeds were cultivated and developed. The Bloedel Reserve Eucryphia specimen is a cross between the deciduous glutinosa species and the evergreen cordifolia. Every year (usually just in time for our annual Garden Party), this tree erupts into bloom, attracting every bee and visitor around!