JUNE 2021 — Japanese Maple

Common Name:  Japanese Maple

Latin Name:  Acer palmatum

Family:  Sapindaceae

Type:  Deciduous shrub or small tree

Origin: Korea and Japan

Location at Bloedel Reserve:  Gatehouse, Japanese Garden & Maple Lane

Garden Uses:  Specimen shade tree

 Fun Fact:  The word palmatum refers to the palmate shape of the leaves, which resemble open hands.  Japanese maples tend to have 5-7 “fingers” or lobes per leaf whereas another common maple species, A. japonicum, may have 9-13 lobes. The colors of the leaves in spring and summer vary from species to species and can range from deep magenta to bright green. Of course these trees provide an explosion of color in the fall as well.

Soon after the tree’s small spring blossoms fade, the tree forms samaras. Sometimes called “helicopters” or “whirligigs,” samaras are, in fact, winged seed pods that catch the wind and spin when they are falling to the ground. The seeds inside the pods are edible, though we ask visitors to leave our samaras for wildlife to enjoy.


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