June 2020 — Chilean Lantern Tree

Common Name:   
Chilean Lantern Tree

Latin Name:   Crinodendron hookerianum

Family:   Elaeocarpaceae

Type:    Evergreen flowering shrub

Origin:   Chile, South America

Location at Bloedel Reserve:   Gatehouse beds

Garden Uses:  Specimen tree, screening, hummingbird attractor

Fun Fact:  The Chilean Lantern Tree is a favorite of the Bloedel Reserve staff and hummingbirds alike. In fact, a surprise dive bomb and rapid chatter from the birds will often be the first signals that this plant is in bloom! The scientific name comes from a compound of Greek words meaning, “lily tree.”  The second half of its Latin name “hookerianum,” honors William Jackson Hooker (1785-1865), a renowned English botanist and director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, who collected, studied, and catalogued many plants from around the world.