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Sunday, October 1

Unless indicated, all offerings are included in your GENERAL TIMED TICKET. To sign up for a specific workshop, click the WORKSHOP TICKETS buttons listed below each workshop.

Daily, during public hours

Plein Air Painting Exhibit: Impressions of Nature
On view September 8-October 8, 2023 at the Residence, Bloedel Reserve 

11 AM-Noon

Singing with Trees
Byron Au Yong and Eun Ju Vivianna Oh
A beautiful way to start the week of celebrations of creative collaborations with Nature.
Composer and educator Byron Au Yong (歐陽良仁) creates musical events Variety calls “intimate and existential, personal and political all at once.”

Free; no registration needed

1 PM-2 PM

Why we should love Western Thatching Ants
Peter Marting, PhD
Behavioral Ecologist and Artist

Peter Marting, Post Doctoral Fellow, Auburn Univiersity, is a behavioral ecologist studying collective behavior, animal architecture, environmental effects, and species interactions, especially between social insects and plants.

Free, Registration required, Japanese Guest House

UP Lift: Collaborations with Nature | October 1-October 7 | Bainbridge Island

Celebrate creativity and community on Bainbridge Island. Visit Bloedel Reserve for poetry, painting, walks, talks, and art exhibitions. Each day of the week is a unique experiential immersion into creativity and connection.