Member Sunset Walks
May 10, 2024 @ 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Member Summer Sunset Walks
Just for members! Indulge in an island evening escape the second Friday of each month, May-September from 5-8 PM during our reimagined Summer Sunset Walks. Take advantage of our longer summer days with a stroll through the gardens and stop by the Residence before or after your walk to enjoy a picnic (bring your own!) and a glass of wine on the Residence Lawn, compliments of Bloedel Reserve.
This experience is for Bloedel Reserve members only. Time to renew or join? Visit the Reserve more than twice in a year and your membership pays for itself! Learn more here.
Please note: July and August Sunset Walks are on the third Friday of the month due to previously scheduled events at the Reserve.
Timed tickets are required for admission; please sign in with your member credentials.