Field Notes 2023
Len Eisenhood
Explore Bloedel Reserve through the art, writings, and uniques perspectives of the Community Creatives during the time they are visiting the grounds. These entries give you a peek at works-in-progress, sources of inspiration, approaches to craft, exploration of new techniques, and more.
Steps along the way…
Repurposed tulip painting (2022) turned on its side. Original marbled paper design visible.
I begin my new painting here.
Peeled paint daubed on, randomly.
Also, I apply water soluble caran d’ache crayon (white) to position tree, tea house etc.
Trees and reflections in water follow.
Light and shadow contrasts are on my mind.
The finale…three days worth of attention, and perseverance. It’s done.
A sign of welcome for me.
Stay up to date on all of the events and activities taking place at Bloedel Reserve.