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Plein Air Painting in the Gardens: Learn from an Expert

The Bloedel Reserve Plein Air Program is pleased to bring together some of the finest Plein Air artists in the region. In 2024, the Reserve is offering several days of painting on the grounds, including two days of in-depth instruction with an expert with afternoon time to paint in the gardens.

May 18, 11 AM-4 PM – All Levels Welcome
Robin Weiss assisted by Nora Masters

Limit 10 participants

$130 Members
$170 Non-members (includes admission)

Tickets in advance are required for the class. 

Participants will gather at the Arrival Garden between 10:30 AM and 10:45 AM. Bring your own art supplies (see below), a sack lunch, and water bottle. There will a 1-hour lecture on materials and design principals, then a 1-hour demonstration. Students will have plenty of time to paint while individual instruction is given.

Class Details:

This instruction is geared to oil painting, but other mediums are also appropriate. Bring plein air painting supplies and a way to transport them (cart, backpack, wagon). Supplies should consist of, but are not limited to the following:

Painting box with tripod or French easel, brushes, (#6 hog bristle filbert, several sizes 10-4 synthetic mongoose flats, a thin “rigger” script brush and a 1-inch chip brush), or similar.

Paint colors suggested from M Graham Co.: Ultramarine Blue, Cobalt Blue, Alizarin Crimson, Cad Red Light, Cad Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Viridian, Ivory Black, Transparent Red Oxide; from Gamblin: Radiant Blue, Radiant turquoise, gel medium, or similar.

Panels to paint on: Centurion OPL or acrylic primed 9×12 (2), 6×12, 6×8, for example.

Suggested misc. items: paper towels, trash bag, water, sun hat, view finder, small t square, sketch book, pencil (facilitator will have some sketch books, viewfinders, and finito pen kits for sale).

Learn more about Robin Weiss here.