Bloedel Reserve is developing a Forest Management Plan in collaboration with Northwest Natural Resource Group (NNRG) in 2023-2024 to care for not only the trees, but the roads, water sources, wildlife habitats, and lawn areas present on the land. Our goal is to diversify the forests and steward the property for future generations to enjoy. Learn about Forest Management Planning at

Part of Bloedel Reserve’s Conservation & Stewardship pillar, the Forest Management Plan provides silvicultural prescriptions for preparing and implementing management activities across the Reserves 70+ acres of forests.

Short term goals (within 10 years) include providing high quality wildlife habitat for terrestrial and aquatic species, controlling invasive plant species, improving resilience to climate change, reducing fire risk, and constructing trails to facilitate Reserve management & access.

The key long-term objective (beyond 30 years) is to foster a late seral forest ecosystem in the Reserve. This will develop a diversity of tree species, ages and sizes, woven together in a complex structure of downed logs, large snags, canopy gaps, and a range of hardwoods and conifers. This late seral forest structure will promote a diversity of wildlife and their habitats.