Field Notes 2023: Küf Knotz and Christina Elise

August 2023: Küf Knotz and Christina Elise

Explore Bloedel Reserve through the art, writings, and uniques perspectives of the Creative Residents during the time they are visiting the grounds. These entries give you a peek at works-in-progress, sources of inspiration, approaches to craft, exploration of new techniques, and more.

Notes from the Field

August 16, 2023

We have arrived in the beautiful land of Bloedel. It feels although time already stands still. Traveled through a portal and landed in this life-size terrarium. It is such an honor to be amongst all these creatures. A reminder that as a human being we remain part of the whole, part of the cycle of life that continuously unfolds — with no more importance than an ant or a fern. Moving along pathways taking our turn.  It is the first day that we explore, our eyes peeled wide – oh so much to endure. Relaxing gaze resulting in gait glide. Spiraled down awareness, beats per minute minimize – slowing in stride. Sudden movements and sounds to capture small slivers into the ground. Owlets being birthed – it’s everyone’s space to coexist. The forest holds us, returning to chrysalis.

Mother nature’s intended bliss.

(Daily Tasks: Captured footage for the first video with a focus on micro shots. Snapped many photos for inspiration and mapping of the land. Greeted guests and employees.)

August 17, 2023

Bringing the outside in,

Captured micro moments digitized for create’n.

Reflected upon,

Before composition is drawn.

Today the owl still remains a mystery,

A wooo came from the woods,

About 5pm… could it be?

Ventured indoors to sift through the solitude.

Music room is set up,

Piano and harp – bring on the etude.

One more day before visual meets audio,

We wonder what it will sound like?

If we listen, in the silence, the ancestors will tell us so.

(Daily Tasks: Captured a few more moments of footage with a focus on movement. Created the first take of the video from all footage collected. Set up the music space with a view of the trees.)

August 18, 2023 

Moments in the meadow,

Trails reopened from slight tribulations,

But mostly music music music.

Creative process is in full flight,

Making melodies to reflect bees,

Drones and synths imitate still trees.


Stay up to date on all of the events and activities taking place at Bloedel Reserve.