Plein Air Painting Masterclass
August 22, 2023 @ 11:00 am - 4:00 pm
The Bloedel Reserve Plein Air Program is pleased to bring together some of the finest Plein Air artists in the region. In 2023, the Reserve is offering several days of painting on the grounds, including two days of Masterclass mornings with afternoon time to paint on the grounds.
August 22, 11 AM-4 PM – All Levels Welcome
Plein Air Masterclass with Darrell Anderson assisted by Gigi Godfrey
Limit 10 participants
$130 Members
$170 non-members (includes admission)
Masterclass participants will gather at the Arrival Garden between 10:30 AM and 10:45 AM and head up to a behind the scenes location for the class. The class may include a mixture of live demonstration, conversation, and painting.
Tickets in advance are required for the event.
Class Description:
What is the One Thing you Need for a Successful Painting?
This class is open to anyone who has had at least one class in beginning painting and they know what basic colors to use and has a portable field palette.
As artists we are all beginners in some way. I will show you a plein air technique that has brought me more success and fewer frustrations than any other method. This one-day workshop will be structured to take advantage of our limited time. We will begin by talking together and exploring where each of us is in our painting quest. I will then explain my demo and the technique I’ll suggest you use. While together, you’ll have time to give it a quick try before I release you to find your own spot of landscape inspiration. For the rest of the time, your instruction will be individualized to your skill level and goals. This is a ‘no fail’ course. Because our mistakes are just doorways to success, we can all learn from each other and ourselves.
Darrell instructs in oil, acrylic, gouache, casein, watercolor, pastel, and markers. A supply list will be sent to registrants. Please also have a sack lunch and water bottle.
Learn more about Darrell Anderson here.