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Walk & Listen with Creative Resident Dann Disciglio

Sunday October 2,  2-3 PM

Join Creative Resident, Dann Disciglio, for a 1-hour guided sound walk in which participants will wear radio receiving headphones tuned to an FM transmission of the inner acoustic vibrations emanating from within the body of a tree living on Bloedel Reserve grounds. These sounds—such as water passing through the tree’s capillaries, branches creaking from the wind, or the distant chirp of a bird, will be detected and broadcast across the Reserve’s airways by using a high-quality contact microphone and a low-powered FM transmitter deployed at the base of the tree. The transmission will function as an eco-soundtrack, which will reorient our sonic perspective of the environment while also rendering the voice of a tree hyper-accessible within the environment in which it resides.

Link for timed tickets are required for admission.

Learn more about Dann at danndisciglio.com