Carole Nelson, Volunteer Interview
April 8, 2022 by Kimi Kinoshita
Carole Nelson found herself volunteering at the Bloedel Reserve after participating in the Strolls for Well Being program. When her husband passed away in November of 2017 and Carole was grieving with her loss, a neighbor told her about the program. She felt this program gave her emotional support from people who truly understood her because the others were also going through a difficult time in their lives. “This program made me feel more comfortable talking with them because I am an introvert and it is difficult to share my feelings with others.” Because of this experience and being able to walk through the Reserve by herself, Carole found the place soothing and therapeutic. She likes to volunteer on the grounds because it is her therapy and draws her away from unhappy thoughts.
Carole has lived in Kingston for over 40 years. Working on the Seattle side as a legal assistant, she and her husband decided to move where there were fewer people and in a rural environment. After retiring in 1990, she and her husband traveled around in a motorhome for 10 years serving as camp hosts for Washington State Parks.
“I am totally an outdoor person and love nature. I feel Bloedel Reserve is very special to me because it is my therapy, and takes me to a beautiful world. The Reserve is my happy place, you see something beautiful around every corner.”